

Is life just a bunch of snippets woven together over a timeline of captured events? Connected with emotion, passion, and mostly positive energy. Perhaps this is true.
All I know is  Life is too short to waste even a moment. I hope as you wander through my snippets, photos, and musings that you gain a little positive energy for yourself. We all struggle through our work, relationships, spiritual awakenings, physical health.  In each of these we learn something about ourselves and about others. Through reflection and analysis we discover joy and happiness everywhere we look. Our pains are temporary, heated discussions end in some conclusion, sometimes all we need is but take a deep breadth of fresh air and savor a moment. No matter how we plan, organize, and structure our world there is always unexpected change. Sometimes we are caught by surprise when loved ones leave us suddenly.  We typically don’t for see all of our health issues either. Some things we plan for some things just appear out of nowhere. Clearly as we move through the decades of time our friends, family and especially the ones we love deeply are the real things that matter. We spend a lifetime building relationships. If we are fortunate some of them last a lifetime too. As I travel through the second half of my life , I stop and reflect often on how lucky I’am to be healthy, have great friends family and love in my life.  Carpe Diem !!

-Chris Kirkwood

Snippets of My Life

Aspen, Colorado

Another colorful fall in

September 2010.

I always enjoy my trips to my birthplace.

My Blessings;

